Voters to decide if guns should be allowed in town buildings

Mar 18, 2025

MIDDLEBORO — Town Meeting voters will decide whether Middleboro’s public buildings should be exempt from a state law banning guns on the premises.

At their March 17 meeting, the select board unanimously supported placing the issue on the warrant  for the April 21 Town Meeting, saying the public should make the decision.

Guns are currently prohibited from being brought into municipal buildings based on a state law known as An Act to Modernize Firearms Law. The law, which took effect Aug. 2, 2024, prohibits firearms on all government properties with the exemption of state-owned public land used for hunting. 

The law allows communities to opt out of the prohibition on municipal property, which is what would happen in Middleboro if voters supported the article. 

Schools would remain a gun-free zone, even if the exemption passed, Select Board Chair Mark Germain said.

Echoing views of others on the board, Select Board member Teresa Farley said the voters should decide on the issue. 

“The will of the town at Town Meeting is extremely important,’’ she said. 

“Let the people decide,’’ Select Board member Brian Giovanoni said.

Germain stressed this exemption only applies to people who possess a “legally owned licensed firearm,’’ which requires passing a background check and other legal requirements.

“This is not just anyone with a gun,’’ he said.

Resident Alan Melchior questioned whether town employees might be placed in danger by this exemption and asked whether their views had been considered.

Town Manager Jay McGrail said that he mentioned the issue to department heads and received only one response, which was in support of the exemption.

The issue came before voters in Rochester at a January Special Town Meeting. The exemption was approved in that town.