Volunteers wanted for Soule Farm community clean up day

Nov 13, 2023

MIDDLEBORO — Soule Farm is in need of volunteers of all ages to help clean up the farm and prepare for the winter season on Saturday, Nov. 18.

Volunteers will meet at the Soule Farm pavilion at 10:30 a.m to 1:30 p.m. Volunteers do not need to stay for the entirety of the event. 

From cleaning up leaves and weeding to tidying and sprucing up the farm, there's plenty of work that needs to get done.

Participants are asked to bring a water, a hat, and gloves and any extra tools such as as a rake or a weed whacker.

To register for the event, visit www.cognitoforms.com/SouleHomesteadEducationCenter/FarmCommunityCleanUpD... .