Town seeks state assistance to repair Nichols roof
MIDDLEBORO — The town is applying for state funding to help pay for a new roof for Nichols Middle School.
The cost to replace the roof is estimated at $3.5 million. The town will send a statement of interest to the School Building Authority and hopes to get about half of the amount covered.
The town’s share of the cost would likely be about $1.4 million, Town Manager Jay McGrail explained to the Select Board at their March 17 meeting.
The 27-year-old structure desperately needs repair, McGrail said. “If we’re not able to get the grant, we’re still going to have to deal with the roof. The problem is not going to go away.’’
The issues are located at the pitched portion of the roof, he said. Part of the problem is that insulation has become saturated with moisture, according to a report by Temco Roofing and Building Maintenance.
Subsequently, the roof leaks during heavy, wind-driven rain, according to the report.
Once a new roof is installed, taking steps to keep the insulation dry and focusing on preventative maintenance “should help greatly extend the roof system’s service life,’’ the report states.
The town’s share of the project cost would be about $110,000 a year over 20 years, McGrail said. He said he could work this into the town budget without requiring an override. “We’d make it work,’’ he said.
Both the select board and the school committee have approved the request for funding.
The town would likely hear in the fall whether the project is accepted, Superintendent of Schools Carolyn Lyons said.
Work would likely be done in the summer of 2026, she said.