Middleboro Rotary prepares for online auction
MIDDLEBORO — Middleboro Rotary Club members are working hard on final plans for the annual Cable TV Charity Auction on Sunday, March 19 when it will be broadcast live on the local access cable channels and streamed live across the region. All bidding will be done online.
Rotary Club president Albert Mui and auction chairperson Robert Saquet are bringing a new level of technology to the auction in the hope of reaching a larger bidding audience.
The annual auction has become a showcase for civic-minded local business, professional and financial institutions that want to show their support for the Rotary Club and the work it does. The auction, which is broadcast live from the studio of MCCAM, the Middleboro Community Cable Access Media, has been the club’s major fundraiser since 1989.
Businesses wishing to donate goods, services or gift cards should contact any Rotarian or auction chairman Robert Saquet at 508-947-0680 or email bobjansaquet@yahoo.com
Proceeds from the auction help the Middleboro Rotary support its educational and charitable programs, which include local college scholarships and school tutorial programs along with numerous community service projects. Rotary International funds disaster relief, a program to end polio worldwide and efforts to provide clean drinking water in developing nations.
The auction broadcast can be viewed live on the local access cable channels in Middleboro and Lakeville on both the Verizon and Comcast networks. The event can be viewed Sunday, March 19 from 4 to 7 p.m.
For online bidding, go to MiddleboroRotary.com for the link. Online bidding starts on March 6 and will continue up to the live broadcast where they will be closed on an hourly basis.
Winners will be notified to confirm high bidders. Items can be picked up that day at the MCCAM studio at 1 South Main St. in downtown Middleboro.
For more information on the club and the auction, visit the club’s web site, MiddleboroRotary.Com.