Middleboro alum explores mysteries of the ocean with Rotary Club

Jan 24, 2025

Michelle Cusolito, an alum of Burkland School in Middleboro, shared stories of her scientific research at sea during her visit to the Middleboro Rotary Club Jan. 8.

The stories were drawn from the science writer and author’s book,”A Window Into the Ocean Twilight Zone: Twenty-Four Days of Science at Sea.’’ 

During her presentation, Michelle recounted her three-week expedition to the North Atlantic, where she joined scientists and engineers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 

They delved into the mysteries of the ocean “twilight zone’’ using cutting-edge technologies. Her short readings from the book, along with accompanying photos and videos, brought the adventure to life for the audience.

She detailed the challenges faced during three major storms and the successes achieved with the innovative scientific techniques employed during the voyage. 

To read more about Michelle’s ocean adventures, her new middle grade STEM book is available for order at Books@eightcousins.com. Additional information about Michelle and her work can be found at Michellecusolito.com  

The Middleboro Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Fireside Restaurant. All are welcome.

For more information, contact J. Kevin "Quack" Quackenbush, Assistant District Governor, Area 4, District 7950, at QuackSellsHomes@gmail.com.