Holiday turkey donations needed for local families
MIDDLEBORO — With the holidays approaching, Sacred Heart Food Pantry needs the public’s help to ensure that all families can enjoy a Thanksgiving and Christmas meal.
For each holiday, the pantry provides complete holiday meals to 450 families. Families receive turkey, potatoes, sides and dessert.
This year, the pantry staff is seeking donations of 150 more frozen turkeys to fill the 450 Thanksgiving holiday meal boxes.
Community members are asked to pick up a 12 to 14-pound frozen turkey and drop it by the pantry between Nov. 2 and 9 from 8 and 10 a.m. Monday through Friday or 8 to 11 a.m. Saturdays. The pantry is located to the rear of the St. Isadore Parish Hall, 53 Oak St., Middleboro.
For questions about pantry services, call 508-947-1717 or visit