Election Day is just around the corner: All voters need to know
Middleboro and Lakeville voters will make their decisions for president, senator and House representative, decide on several local seats and answer five questions on Election Day, Nov. 5.
Just below their presidential selection, residents will mark their choice for U.S. Senator, choosing either Democrat Elizabeth Warren or Republican challenger to the incumbent, John Deaton.
In the U.S. House of Representatives, Middleboro voters will choose Bill Keating or his opponent Dan Sullivan. In Lakeville, Jake Auchincloss is running unopposed.
Closer to home, residents of Middleboro will mark ballots for state Senator candidates Kelly Dooner, Joseph Pacheco or James DuPont. In Lakeville, Michael Rodrigues faces no opposition.
Choices for state representatives vary by town and even precinct. Norman Orrall is running unopposed in Lakeville and precincts 2, 4, 5 and 7 in Middleboro.
John Gaskey is the only name on the ballot as Republican contender in Middleboro precincts 3, 6 and 7A. Sarah Hewins is running a write-in candidacy for the seat. In Middleboro precinct 1 and 5A, candidates Kathleen LaNatra and Eric Meschino are contending for the position.
Candidates for councillor, clerk of courts, register of deeds, county commissioner and, in Middleboro, Bristol Plymouth Regional School Committee are also on the ballot.
To view a sample ballot for Middleboro Precincts 2, 4, 5 and 7, visit https://www.middleboroughma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/6909/Nov-5-Sample-Ballot-MIDDLEBOROUGH-PCT-2457?bidId=.
To view a sample ballot for Middleboro Precincts 1 and 5A, visit https://www.middleboroughma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/6908/Nov-5-Sample-Ballot-MIDDLEBOROUGH-PCT-15A?bidId=.
To view a sample ballot for Middleboro Precincts 3, 6 and 7A, visit https://www.middleboroughma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/6910/Nov-5-Sample-Ballot-MIDDLEBOROUGH-PCT-367A?bidId=
For a Lakeville sample ballot, visit https://www.lakevillema.org/sites/g/files/vyhlif751/f/pages/specimen_ballot-_state_general_presidential_election_11.5.2024.pdf
Voters will also vote yes or no on five proposed questions. The first one on the ballot, if passed, would allow the state auditor to audit the State Legislature.
The second proposal asks voters to keep or get rid of MCAS as a high school graduation requirement. The third, if passed, would allow transportation network drivers, such as Uber drivers, to form unions.
The fourth proposed law would allow Massachusetts residents over the age of 21 to grow limited amounts of certain psychedelic substances and use them under supervision. Finally, voters will mark yes or no for a law that would gradually and annually increase tipped workers wages, matching minimum wage by 2029.
For a detailed explanation of the ballot questions visit the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website https://www.sec.state.ma.us/divisions/elections/download/research-and-statistics/IFV_2024.pdfr
Residents unsure of where to vote can find out at the Secretary of the Commonwealths website https://www.sec.state.ma.us/WhereDoIVoteMA/WhereDoIVote.
Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
In Middleboro, Precinct 1 votes at Oak Point Club House, 202 Oak Point Drive. Precincts 2, 4 and 6 vote at Middleboro High School, 71 E Grove St.
Precinct 3 votes at South Middleboro Fire Station, 566 Wareham St.
Precincts 5 and 5A vote at Council on Aging, 558 Plymouth St and Precincts 7 and 7A vote at Nichols Middle School, 112 Tiger Drive.
Lakeville has three precincts, 1, 2 and 3. All three vote at Ted Williams Camp-Loon Pond Lodge, 28 Precinct St.