Girl Scouts selling sweet treats for good causes

Feb 3, 2025

LAKEVILLE — It’s a sweet season for cookie fans and Girl Scout supporters.

Girl Scout cookies are available through March in booths located at area businesses. The Lakeville and Freetown Scouts are selling cookies at Baldies, Nellie Rose Diner, Red Hand Brewing, Lakeville Market, Pet Food Shop, Circle K Assonet, Juniors Assonet, Fat Cousins and Profile Tavern.

Cookies cost $6 a box. Troops earn $1.10 per box sold. 

Funds raised are used to pay for Girl Scout vests and badges, meeting supplies, and community service projects. 

Examples of recent community projects include adding trash containers at Ted Williams Park, collecting clothes for local shelter residents, donating turkeys to families in need at Thanksgiving and making birthday cake kits for the food pantry, among other efforts. 

Girls earn a variety of themed prizes depending on how many cookies they sell. This season's theme is the Panda. Prizes include patches, stuffed animals and T-shirts.

 Many girls in Lakeville and Freetown have achieved “500 Club” status for selling more than 500 boxes of cookies in one season. This exclusive club is treated to a free day at Canobie Lake Park each year. 

Selling Girl Scout cookies help girls learn goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics.