Middleboro Rotary, High School write latest chapter in book box placement

Jun 4, 2023

MIDDLEBORO — In a collaboration between Middleboro Rotary Club and Middleboro High School Innovation Coordinator Tony Chiuppi and his team, a Book Box has been planted at The First Unitarian Universalist Society in Middleboro.

The Book Box was placed Thursday, May 25 and provides free books to members of the community in an effort to promote access to reading materials and to encourage literacy.

Other Middleboro Rotary Club book boxes are located at LifeHouse Church, 17 Jericho Road; Old Colony YMCA Middleboro branch, 61 East Grove St.; North Congregational Church, 38 Plymouth St.; Pierce Playground, 26 Jackson St. and Field of Dreams, 50 East Grove St.

Anyone with a location for the Rotary Club’s next book box should email Kevin Quackenbush at QuackSellsHomes@gmail.com or attend a Middleboro Rotary Club meeting, which are held Wednesdays at 6:15 p.m. at the Fireside Grille, 30 Bedford St.