Things to do
There’s a lot happening in Middleboro and Lakeville in any given week. Here’s what’s coming up. For more information on these and other upcoming events, visit
Saturday, Oct. 15
9th Annual Crantoberfest
Middleborough Tourism Committee announces the 9 th Annual Crantoberfest to be held Saturday October 15, 2022 at the Middleborough Town Hall, 10 Nickerson Ave from Noon to 5:00 p.m. Free admission and free parking. This fun-filled day has something for the whole family.
Events include the great Cranberry Bakeoff. To enter this event, please register by emailing us at: All entries must contain cranberries and include a list of ingredients. Entries must be large enough to allow 5 judges to taste. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes will be awarded to the 3 entries receiving the most votes from our panel of distinguished judges.
We will also be crowning the new Ms. Crantoberfest 2022. Contestants will give an opening statement as to why they think they would be the best Ms. Crantoberfest followed by questions about the cranberry industry. The winner receives a crown and sash and gets to represent Middleborough Tourism at various events throughout the year.
The ever-popular kid’s costume parade will take place again this year and multiple prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places as well as for special categories. Cranberry Games will be available all day for kids of all ages at no charge. There will be food, and merchandise vendors, a beer garden, and Middleborough merchandise available for purchase.
For more information about the festival check out, email, or call 774-766-6335. Find us on Facebook @MiddleboroToday or Instagram @DiscoverMiddleborough.
Methodist Church Yard Sale
South Middleborough United Methodist Church, 563 Wareham St., will be holding a yard sale and indoor/outdoor plant sale at the church from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15. Household items and plants will be available. The Clothing Cupboard can be opened for free clothing in numerous sizes.
Sunday, Oct. 16
Rotary Yard Sale
A community yard sale will be held on the Middleboro Town Hall lawn from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday Oct. 16. The event is sponsored by the Middleboro Rotary Club and will be held rain or shine.
Town residents are invited to participate so they can turn unwanted household items into cash. Spaces are available. The charge for a 10 x 10 space is $20. To reserve a spot contact Rotary chairperson Sascha Mules-O’Roak at
This is a chance for folks to look for sellable items in their attics, garages or throughout the house. Exhibitors will provide their own tables or tents. Members of the Rotary club will be available to lend some assistance. The club will also have a table to sell beverages and snacks.
This yard sale is being provided as a community service project by the Middleboro Rotary Club and any revenue will be used for additional projects throughout the year.
Wednesday, Oct 19
Spaghetti Supper
The Middleboro Council On Aging is hosting a spaghetti supper to support the Council on Aging’s Meals on Wheels and Meals on Site programs. The charge for a meal including spaghetti and meatballs, salad, garlic bread, a drink, and dessert is $10 for adults and $5 or children 10 and under. Tickets are available at the Council on Aging front desk, Freitas Liquors, Rekindled Home, and the Main Ingredient. Limited tickets will be available at the door. Call 508-946-2490 for more information.