Special community meeting on MBTA zoning mandate Sept. 10

Sep 7, 2024

MIDDLEBORO — A special community meeting to discuss the state mandate requiring Middleboro to zone for over 1400 multi-family housing units in proximity to the MBTA train station will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 10* at 7 p.m. Residents are encouraged to attend. The meeting will be held in the Select Board meeting room at Town Hall. 

* This meeting was initially posted incorrectly as being held Wednesday, Sept. 11. The correct date is Tuesday, Sept. 10. 

Middleboro is required to bring the proposal it is working on, also known as a bylaw, to Special Town Meeting in October. 

The Planning Board will host a subsequent public hearing to discuss this bylaw on Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 6:30 p.m. This hearing is required to bring the bylaw to Special Town Meeting. 

At Special Town Meeting on Monday, Oct. 7, residents will vote to approve or deny the bylaw that would allow for 1,471 additional multi-family housing units in town.