Nemasket Week, Middleboro Rotary to host candidates night March 20
MIDDLEBORO — Residents will have the chance to hear from those on the Middleboro ballot at the Middleboro Candidates Forum, to be held at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 20 at the Middleboro Council on Aging, 558 Plymouth St.
Robert Saquet of the Middleboro Rotary Club will serve as moderator.
All candidates in contested races will be asked to make an introductory statement of no more than two minutes. They will then be asked questions related to town issues and their candidacies, posed by Nemasket Week reporters and submitted in advance by members of the public.
Questions from the public can be submitted to editor Sandy Quadros Bowles at
Candidates in uncontested races will be invited to make a two-minute statement explaining why they are running. No questions will be posed to candidates who face no opposition.
The forum will be filmed and shown on Middleboro Cable Access Community Television and will be covered in the next issue of Nemasket Week and online at
The event is sponsored by the Middleboro Rotary Club and Nemasket Week. The public is invited and will have a chance to ask questions of the candidates.