Middleboro Master Plan workshop scheduled May 1
MIDDLEBORO — The first of many public workshops giving residents the chance to share feedback on what they want Middleboro’s future to be will take place this Wednesday, May 1 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Middleboro Public Library Community Room.
The town of Middleboro is working with Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District, also known as SRPEDD, to create a new Master Plan, which was last updated in 2002.
Those who wish to attend can register here: lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/wey3qaa
During the workshop, attendees will get an overview of Middleboro’s key planning elements, learn about future engagement opportunities and have a chance to share what they’d like Middleboro to look like in 10 years. They will also learn about how Middleboro has changed over the last twenty years and explore key data, demographics and maps. There will be no formal presentation and participants can stop in at any point during the workshop timeframe.
Residents can fill out a survey to share their input for the Middleboro Master Plan through the following link: Middleborough Master Plan - Kick-off Survey (surveymonkey.com).
For more information, contact Maria Jones at mjones@srpedd.org or Leann Bradley at bradleyl@middleboroughma.gov.