Lots to do during school vacation week at Middleboro library
MIDDLEBORO — There’s plenty for children and teens to do during April school vacation week at the Middleboro Public Library.
At 3 p.m. Tuesday April 16, Kitty Hendricks-Miller from the Mashpee Wampanoag Education Department will bring her program Wampanoag Culture Through Stories and Song to the library during April vacation week.
Geared toward ages 5-8, the program will demonstrate hand-made Native American artifacts and share stories and songs with participants as insights into Wampanoag history and culture.
Children will also make a corn husk doll.
Call the library at 508-946-2470 or email ameyer@sailsinc.org to register.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Middleboro Cultural Council, a local agency, which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency. Additional funding was provided by the Friends of the Middleboro Public Library.
Join children’s librarian Amanda Meyer Wednesday, April 17 at 10:30 a.m. to learn about Citizen Science Month.
Find out how to get involved, learn about kits available at the library, hear a science story and participate in related activities.
Families will make recycled newspaper pots and plant a seed to take home.
This is a drop-in event, open to all ages and is supported by the Friends of the Middleboro Public Library.
Youth ages 10-14 are invited to help defeat Poseidon and save the world in a live-action, role-playing game “Greek Quest: Poseidon’s Fury’’ from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Thursday, April 18 on the Town Hall lawn.
Created and run by the Story School and Camp FABLE, this program brings the characters and legends of Greek mythology to life. Players are transformed
into Greek heroes through an immersive and interactive adventure with escape room elements. They will battle with foam swords, solve puzzles, and uncover secrets.
Call the library at 508-946-2470 to register. In case of rain, the event will be held in the Town Hall ballroom. The program is sponsored by Friends of the Middleboro Public Library.
Pokemon fans are invited to the library from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 20 to share cards, play with other kids, learn the game from each other, or just talk Pokémon.
No card trading is allowed. Anyone without cards can borrow the library’s deck.
The program is sponsored by Friends of the Middleboro Public Library.
For more information, contact the Middleboro Public Library Children’s Librarian, Amanda Meyer, at 508-946-2470 or ameyer@sailsinc.org or the YA Librarian, Chris Dargelis at cdargeli@sailsinc.org.