Hospital site developer invites Lakeville residents to second public meeting
LAKEVILLE — Residents are invited to attend a second community engagement meeting to learn more about the construction of a 458 unit housing development proposed for the old Lakeville Hospital property. The mixed-residential development will include multi-family housing, cottages for residents 55 years and older, senior housing and a 200 unit affordable housing component.
The open forum event will be held on Wednesday, June 5 from 6 to 8 p.m., located at Loon Pond Lodge, 28 Precinct Street, Lakeville.
At the meeting, proposal plans will be discussed and residents will have the opportunity to speak with the design team and give additional feedback on the project, according to site developer Rhino Capital Advisors. There will be no formal presentation.
Project team members will be spread throughout the room with materials prepared to showcase those in attendance. Residents are encouraged to ask questions, express opinions and share ideas.
This is the second community engagement meeting hosted by Rhino Capital in regards to the Lakeville Hospital property. The first, held in December, drew over 100 residents.
Rhino Capital has stated that it anticipates formally filing with the Lakeville Planning Board for Site Plan Review in the next several weeks.
Since that meeting, resident feedback has been incorporated and the master plan further defined. The density and number of proposed residences has not changed from what was presented in December, Rhino said.
Residents were also asked to send their input on the design plans for the 200 unit affordable housing component of the project to MassHousing at the beginning of May.
The master plan is a by-right proposal, designed to comply with the existing Lakeville zoning bylaws, the developer stated. Included in the master plan is a number of community amenities such as publicly accessible walking trails and dog parks.
For more information, Rhino Capital can be contacted at
Updates are provided on the project’s website