Tax error affected 358 Lakeville properties, town administrator says

Sep 14, 2024

LAKEVILLE — The number of inaccurate tax bills sent to Lakeville residents earlier this year was more than what the town’s contracted assessor stated, according to Interim Town Administrator Robert Nunes.

While Regional Resource Group, the firm contracted to complete the town’s assessments, initially stated that 200 properties received erroneous tax bills, the real figure was 358. 

A total of 358 letters were sent out by Regional Resource Group informing property owners of the mistake in early August, Nunes shared at the Select Board’s Monday, Sept. 9 meeting. 

Nunes and members of the Select Board agreed that the fact that the assessor had given the town incorrect information a second time “is very concerning.” 

There “is still a long way to go” before the issue is resolved, said Nunes.

The Board contemplated next steps in preparation for the termination of Regional Resource Group’s contract Dec. 31. 

Members discussed options such as soliciting bids from other contractors or hiring a town assessor. 

Select Board Vice Chair Lia Fabian insisted that whatever the decision is, Regional Resource Group should remain responsible if the problem is not fixed by the time its contract is up. 

“I want assurance on that,” she said. 

The Board agreed to continue the conversation regarding next steps at its meeting on Monday, Sept. 23.