Middleboro Select Board candidate: Jane Slavin
MIDDLEBORO — Jane Slavin decided to turn her thoughts into action by running for Select Board.
“I talk about politics a lot,’’ she said. “I thought, I’m going to try running.’’
A major issue, she said, was ensuring that residents have clean water. “Not enough people have clean water.”
In January, town residents were notified that the East Grove Street Well contained a monthly finding of 21 nanograms per liter of PFAS; anything above 20 nanograms per liter is considered a violation by the state. PFAS, or perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are man-made chemicals that have been used in the manufacturing of certain fire-fighting foams, moisture and stain-resistant products and other industrial processes.
The town is working on upgrades to the East Grove Street Water Treatment plan, with the ultimate goal of having no PFAS in the water.
“We could at least buy filters’’ for residents, she said.
She also expressed concern with the homeless population she said is living behind the Hannaford’s plaza. “The town should find these people a place to stay,” she said. “I don’t think they’re doing enough.’’
Slavin, who is 42, said she would like to “get a young voice’’ on the board.
“I’d know the modern’’ thinking, she said, and would work on informing people through social media.
“A lot of people think their voice is not being heard,’’ she said, or don’t know when meetings are held. Providing this information through social media is something she said she could “definitely do.’’
She expressed frustration with taxes, which she said “keep going up.’’
“I don’t think people realize where the money is going,’’ she said. “A lot of homeowners don’t understand why [taxes] keep getting raised.’’
Transparency is vital, she said. “If someone’s paying taxes, they should have a say,’’ she said. “I think the town needs to be more open about more things. A lot of things are done in secret.’’
Although she has done “a lot of community service’’ and “public speaking,’’ serving on the Select Board would represent her first time in the political realm.
“It’s a little intimidating,’’ she said.
But campaigning, she said, has been enlightening. “It’s been nice to get to meet more people than I’ve ever met.”
She acknowledged that she could be considered “an underdog,’’ because her fellow candidate Teresa Farley is “more known.’’
“But I’m just going to see where it goes. I know the town is going to do the right thing.’’
She also pledged to listen to everyone’s voice before making a decision. “That’s what I think the beautiful thing is about politics,’’ she said. “Everybody gets a say. Everybody has a chance to speak their mind. I’m not going to agree with everybody, but I want to hear them. People can be passionate, but they could change your mind.’’
She is a familiar face to some in the downtown area, she said, because she walks her faithful Beagle/Rottweiler mix often. The dog is regularly greeted by passersby, she said.
She may be running for the select board, but, she laughed, “he’s the mayor.’’