Middleboro High School takes ‘blues’ to a new level
BOURNE — As the lights dimmed in the Bourne High School auditorium and the audience quieted down, a tavern came to life on stage.
Middleboro High School participated in the Massachusetts High School Drama Festival Saturday, March 1. In one of eight plays performed by students from around the South Coast, Middleboro students l presented "Crossroads," a play written by Middleboro alumnus Samuel Mosher.
Senior Liam Lenahan played the lead role of Johnny, a troubled blues musician who strums his guitar for the patrons of the Crossroads tavern. This is Lenahan’s 11th show, and second time participating in the drama festival.
“The show is definitely a look at how depression can really affect someone and can cause someone to make mistakes," Lenahan said.
Lenahan learned how to play the guitar for this role, and said being able to play it was his favorite part of being on stage. Although, he gives his kudos to the special effects team.
“These guys have done so much to make the show so magical," he said. "It’s my favorite part about being in Middleboro shows, it’s their practical effects and special lighting.”
Junior Mason Teixeria is part of the reason the show came together as it did. As stage manager he oversaw the production and made sure everything was in order before, during and after the performance.
“I call everything that happens,” Teixeria said. “I’ve always liked tech and seeing how the show comes together with all of the elements. Part of it is the timing and figuring out with tech and directors how the show is going to flow.”
For Texeria, his love for tech and being the team leader may be genetic. His mother was stage manager, and he learned most of what he knows from her.
“I can’t help kids with everything, I can’t exactly have everything they need, but I will always try my best to be there for whatever the show is going to need,” he said.
Both Teixeria and Lenahan equate the cast and crew to family. From slipping on a broken bottle made from ice, to breaking character during practice due to castmates acting choices, the pair highlighted how close everyone was.
To Lenahan, the inside jokes and bonding is important. He emphasized how theater brings people together, and said hearing castmates say they want to come back is nice.
“It’s awesome to see that spark ignite in people,” Lenahan said, “Especially when you’re in a setting (like the theater festival) where you can watch and experience everything with a bunch of other theater kids.”
Middleboro High School advanced to the semi finals and will compete Saturday, March 15.