Middleboro Cultural Council accepting grant applications
MIDDLEBORO — The Middleborough Cultural Council will start accepting applications for projects and events that serve the Middleboro community on Sept. 1.
Led by appointed volunteers, the Middleboro Cultural Council has been allocated $19,000 that will be distributed to projects that align with the town’s priorities and guidelines.
Grant funds will be available to local artists, nonprofits and municipal departments who wish to provide arts, humanities or interpretive science programs to benefit Middleboro residents.
For more information on the Middleboro Cultural Council and the application process, visit www.middleboroughma.gov/930/Cultural-Council.
On Thursday, Sept. 5 there will be a training session for those interested in applying for a cultural council grant. The deadline for submissions is October 16.
The Middleboro Cultural Council is one of 329 Local Cultural Councils in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Local Cultural Councils support thousands of community-based projects in the arts, humanities, and sciences in Massachusetts and nationwide.