Master Plan Deep Dive Workshop Sunday, July 21

Jul 12, 2024

Event has passed

MIDDLEBORO — Share your vision for Middleboro’s open spaces, parks and recreational areas at the Open Space and Recreation and Natural and Cultural Resources Deep Dive workshop on Sunday, July 21. 

The workshop will be held at Soule Homestead, 46 Soule St, Middleborough from 12 to 2 p.m. There is no official start time; residents can drop by at a time that is convenient for them. Registration is not required but is appreciated. Click here to register or scan the QR code in the photos provided.  

Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) is working with the town of Middleboro to update the town’s Master Plan, which has been in place since 2002. This workshop follows the Discovery Workshop held at the beginning of May to gather residents’ input on what they’re looking for in the new plan. 

The event will explore Middleborough's parks and recreation facilities, natural resources, and community and historic assets. Free ice cream will be provided in honor of National Ice Cream Day. There will also be activities for kids.  

This is the first of three topic-based deep dive workshops that will be held this summer and fall. If you are unable to attend, an online  topic-based survey is available here

SRPEDD staff is available to host a brief presentation about the master plan process for organizations that are interested. Contact Director of Planning and Community Development for the town of Middleboro Leann Bradley at or Taylor Perez of SRPEDD at for more information. 

For updates on the Master Plan, click here

Event has passed

Event Date: 

Sunday, July 21, 2024 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm

Event Location: 

Soule Homestead, 46 Soule St, Middleborough