Legal Advertisements - Week of February 6, 2025
Pursuant to MGL Ch. 40A, Sec. 9 and Chapter 275 Sec. 9.4 of the Town of Middleborough Zoning Bylaw the Middleborough Planning Board will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 6:50 P.M. in the Select Board Meeting Room at the Middleborough Town Hall, 10 Nickerson Avenue, Middleborough, relative to a Special Permit Application. The applicant, VMD MB Industrial, LLC, 773 Turnpike Street #3, Andover, MA 01835 has submitted a plan set entitled “Site Development Plans for Campus 44 (Lot 1) 100 & 150 Timber Drive, Middleborough, MA”. prepared by Kelly Engineering Group, Inc., 0 Campanelli Drive, Braintree, MA 02184 and dated December 6, 2024. The plans propose the construction of two (2) industrial buildings on a 23.23 +/- acre lot located at Lot 1–100 & 150 Timber Drive in the Campus 44 Commercial Subdivision in the Commercial Development zoning district, Middleborough, Massachusetts.
Full Plans are available at the Planning Department for public review. Anyone desiring to be heard on this subject should appear at the time and place designated.
Allin Frawley, Chairman
Tracie Craig-McGee, Clerk
William Garceau
Anders Martenson IV
Nancy Kefalis, Associate Member
To be published January 30, 2025 & February 6, 2025
The Town of Middleborough (Owner) invites qualified and experienced Specific filed sub-bid category sub-bid category Subcontractor (Sub) firms to submit a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) for the East Grove Street Water Treatment Facility, DWSRF #16735.
To access the RFQ visit
1. Log in to or select “Sign Up” to create a new account,
2. Enter Project Code 865517 in the project locator box
3. Click Acquire Documents
SOQs must be submitted online electronically at by 11:00AM EST on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Hard copies will not be accepted by the Awarding Authority.
1. Log in to or select “Sign Up” to create a new account,
2. Enter Project Code 865517 in the project locator box,
Tutorials and instructions are available online at For assistance, contact Projectdog, Inc. at 978.499.9014. All required forms must be completed, combined, and submitted in a single, unrestricted PDF formatted file.
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) Chapter 149,
§ 44D½ for GC firms and MGL Chapter 149, §44D¾ for Sub firms and as further defined by provisions stated in the RFQs. This RFQ is the first phase of a two-phase procurement process as set forth in MGL Chapter 149. A Prequalification Committee has been established, will prequalify firms interested in bidding through this RFQ process and select those respondents it deems qualified. Only those respondents deemed qualified will be invited to bid. A detailed set of plans and specifications will then be issued in the second phase of the procurement process. The Town expects the bidding to be initiated on or about February 19, 2025.
The scope of work includes construction of approximately 9,500 square foot brick and block East Grove Street Treatment Plant (WTP) located at 55 East Grove Street, Middleborough, Massachusetts. The new drinking water treatment plant will treat iron, manganese, and poly- and per-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The building will include new plumbing, HVAC, electrical, instrumentation, solar, fire protection systems to support the process treatment and various administrative spaces throughout.
This project also includes construction of an approximately 4,500 square foot pre-engineered metal vehicle storage facility, restoration of an existing historical pumping station, and demolition of existing water treatment infrastructure on site. The exterior rehabilitation and restoration of the existing pumping station will replace materials in kind that comply with “The Secretary of the Interior’s Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating, Restoring, and Reconstruction Historic Buildings,” as published by the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service.
Sub-bid Categories Included in this RFQ: Ceramic Tiling
Estimated ceramic tiling trade cost is $25,000. Estimated construction cost is $29,400,000. Construction contract completion period is 915 calendar days from the notice to proceed.
This project is funded in part by the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust (the “Trust”) and is subject to Build America Buy America (BABA) requirements.
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goals are applicable to the total dollars paid to the construction contract. The goals for this project are a minimum of 4.2 percent (4.2%) D/MBE participation and 4.5% D/WBE participation by certified DBEs. The two low Bidders shall submit completed DBE forms (EEO-DEP-190C, EEO-DEP-191C and the DBE Certification of United States Citizenship form) by the close of business on the third business day after bid opening. Failure to comply with the requirements of this paragraph may be deemed to render a proposal nonresponsive. No waiver of any provision of this section will be granted unless approved by the Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP).
All questions regarding this RFQ should be submitted by 5:00 PM EST on January 3, 2025. Questions should be submitted by email to Weston & Sampson at Do not submit questions by phone.
All responses and all supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda to the RFQ, when issued, may be viewed and downloaded as a Portable Document File (PDF) at A notification of addenda will be emailed to all prospective bidders to email addresses furnished by them for such purposes.
The LAKEVILLE COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMMITTEE (CPC) pursuant to the Lakeville General Bylaws, Community Preservation Committee, Section 2, will conduct a public informational hearing on Thursday, February 20, 2025, at 6:30 P.M. at the LAKEVILLE POLICE STATION, 323 BEDFORD STREET, regarding the Lakeville CPC Plan. The purpose of the hearing will be to provide public input session and receive public comment on the Lakeville CPC Plan.
The Plan can be viewed on the Town of Lakeville Community Preservation Committee’s web page.
Michele MacEachern, Chair
Nemasket Week
February 6, 2025 & February 13, 2025
The Middleborough Stormwater Committee will hold a Public Hearing for a General Stormwater Permit as required by the Storm water Bylaw for the construction of two commercial buildings, associated access, parking lot, utilities, and drainage. The proposed project is located at #198 South Main Street, Middleborough, MA., Map 64 Lot 117 and Map 58 Lot 5778. The Hearing has been requested by the applicant TB Realty Trust. The Hearing will be held February 19, 2024 at 11:00 AM in the Select Board’s room, Middleborough Town Hall, 10 Nickerson Avenue, Middleborough, MA 02346.
Stormwater Committee
James McGrail, Town Manager
Christopher Peck, DPW Director
Patricia Cassidy, Conservation Agent
Leeann Bradley, Director of Planning & Economic Development
Robert Whalen, Building Commissioner
David Blanton, Assistant Highway Superintendent
Kayla Smith, Health Officer
Michael Ohrenberger, Town Engineer
Joseph Mandile, Town Planner
Jim Mulcahy. Stormwater Coordinator
I do hereby certify the following votes were taken at the October 7, 2024, Special Town Meeting, held in the Middleborough High School Auditorium, which was called to order at 7:09 PM by the Town Moderator, David J. Cavanaugh, who declared a quorum present of more than the requirement of 150 registered voters. The complete text of the bylaws are on file in the Town Clerk’s Office located in the Annex Building at 20 Centre Street as well as on the Town of Middleborough website under “Town Code; New Laws.”
ARTICLE 18. Voted by counted vote – 108 yes, 21 no to amend The Town of Middleborough Zoning Bylaw, Chapter 275 Section 4.1.1 Table of Dimensional Requirements of the Zoning Bylaw as follows:
** In the GUA District and the GUB District, any Lot with ten (10) acres or more in size, the Zoning Board of Appeals, upon a finding that additional height is reasonably necessary for the use of a structure and will not be detrimental to the neighborhood may authorize by special permit a structure not to exceed sixty-five (65) feet in height.
Sponsored by the Planning Board
Select Board recommends favorable action
Planning Board recommends favorable action
Finance Committee voted no financial impact
2/3 Vote
ARTICLE 20. Voted unanimously to amend the Middleborough Zoning Bylaw by adding a new Section 3.1(F.)(17.) Table of Uses – Accessory Dwelling Unit, add new Section 7.7 Accessory Dwelling Units, and add to Section 10.2 General Bylaw Definitions a definition for Accessory Dwelling Unit to reflect recent amendments made to MGL Ch. 40A, Section 3 which become effective on February 2, 2025.
Add new “Section 3.1(F.)(17)”
Section 3.1 TABLE OF USES |
RA |
RB |
RR |
B |
I |
GU |
CD |
F. |
17. |
Accessory Dwelling Units |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
7.7.1 Site Plan Review Required: The Planning Board shall be the Site Plan Review Granting Authority (SPRGA). One Accessory Dwelling Unit per principal dwelling shall be permitted in single-family residential zoning districts with approved Site Plan Review.
The Planning Board shall adopt and periodically amend reasonable regulations to implement this bylaw. These regulations are effective when voted.”
Add definition for Accessory Dwelling Unit to Section 10.2 General Bylaw Definitions
“Accessory dwelling unit: a self-contained housing unit, inclusive of sleeping, cooking and sanitary facilities on the same lot as a principal dwelling, subject to otherwise applicable dimensional and parking requirements, that: (i) maintains a separate entrance, either directly from the outside or through an entry hall or corridor shared with the principal dwelling sufficient to meet the requirements of the state building code for safe egress; (ii) is not larger in gross floor area than 1/2 the gross floor area of the principal dwelling or 900 square feet, whichever is smaller; and (iii) is subject to such additional restrictions as may be imposed by a municipality, including, but not limited to, additional size restrictions and restrictions or prohibitions on short-term rental, as defined in section 1 of chapter 64G; provided, however, that no municipality shall unreasonably restrict the creation or rental of an accessory dwelling unit that is not a short-term rental.”
Sponsored by the Planning Board
Select Board recommends favorable action
Planning Board recommends favorable action
Finance Committee voted no financial impact
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela J. Menconi, Town Clerk, Town of Middleborough
Pursuant to Section 13 of Chapter 4 (enacted by Chapter 174 of the Acts of 2016, entitled “An Act Relative to Electronic Publication of Certain Legal Notices”), this legal notice will also be published on the Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association’s website:
The Middleborough Stormwater Committee will hold a Public Hearing for a General Stormwater Permit as required by the Storm water Bylaw for the construction of a 18,750 sf building, associated parking and utilities. The proposed project is located at #146 East Grove Street, Middleborough, MA., Map 65 Lot 5642. The Hearing has been requested by the applicant Mel-Dina Realty Trust. The Hearing will be held February 19, 2024 at 11:00 AM in the Select Board’s room, Middleborough Town Hall, 10 Nickerson Avenue, Middleborough, MA 02346.
Stormwater Committee
James McGrail, Town Manager
Christopher Peck, DPW Director
Patricia Cassidy, Conservation Agent
Leeann Bradley, Director of Planning & Economic Development
Robert Whalen, Building Commissioner
David Blanton, Assistant Highway Superintendent
Kayla Smith, Health Officer
Michael Ohrenberger, Town Engineer
Joseph Mandile, Town Planner
Jim Mulcahy. Stormwater Coordinator
The Middleborough Zoning Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 13, 2025, at 7:00 P.M., in the Select Board’s Meeting Room, Middleborough Town Hall, 10 Nickerson Avenue, Middleborough, MA to hear the petition of Richard Stefani, 186 South Meadow Road, Plymouth, MA 02360 relative to his request to be granted a special permit pursuant to Section 6.6.2 of the Middleborough Zoning By-law to allow for the conversion of the Old Police Station into nine (9) one (1) bedroom apartments and two commercial spaces for office/retail. The subject property is located at 99 North Main Street, Middleborough Assessor’s Map 50Q, lot 5574, in the Business District. Anyone desiring to be heard on this matter should appear at the time and place designated.
Chairman Darrin DeGrazia
On behalf of the Middleborough
Zoning Board of Appeals
Publish: 1/30/25 and 02/06/25