‘You did it:’ Middleboro High grads move on to next journey

Jun 2, 2024

MIDDLEBORO — Sometimes students teach their educators lessons that can’t be read in a book but will always remain in the heart.

That was the case with the Middleboro High School Class of 2024, who entered the high school field Saturday, June 1 as seniors and left as graduates, Principal Paul Branagan told those in attendance at the ceremony on a picture perfect sunny, breezy day.

The group was the first freshman class to enter the new Middleboro High School, which opened in 2020.

Adjusting to a new building would be challenging enough in ordinary times. But these hardly met that description.

Covid protocols were in place, keeping students distanced and seriously curtailing sports and other activities. 

For Branagan, seeing a class starting under such trying times was a concern, he said. He had always read that ninth grade was a “catalyst’’ for the years ahead. 

What, he wondered, would that mean for this class? He didn’t know then, he said, about “the greatest story that was about to unfold.’’

“Your experiences defied the research,’’ he said. “You took the energy and pride of the old Middleboro High School and brought it to the new school. You led with your hearts. You loved your school, and it showed.’’

He noted the students’ dedication as they logged in more than 12,000 hours of community service. And he light-heartedly recalled the student who spent the first day of freshman year in the office for disciplinary reasons but ended his senior year as a newly minted graduate. 

That typified the determination of the class, even through trying times.

“You always showed up,’’ he said. “Always.’’

As a result, he said, “you did it,’’ he said. “You are your own champion.’’

Class valedictorian Sarah McCollem urged her classmates to “play to your strengths. Set your goals, find your people, chase your dreams.’’

The experiences of high school, class salutatorian Dante D’Alessandro, allowed them to grow into “who we’ve become, how we hold ourselves and what we make of ourselves and our lives.’’

Class president Ryan DiBona praised and encouraged his classmates.  “I know we will change the world. Wherever life takes you, make it somewhere that makes you happy.’’