'Drum roll, please': Pipe Band to compete at North American Championships

Jul 28, 2024

LAKEVILLE — Old Colony Highlander’s performance this year warrants its own march and melody. 

The band, which practices in Lakeville and draws musicians from all across Massachusetts and Rhode Island, will make the trek up to Maxville, Ontario to compete in the North American Pipe Band Championships the weekend of Aug. 2-3.

This is the first time many members of the band will go to the Championships, said Pipe Major Diane Wood-Bielski. While bands do not have to qualify to enter the competition, going “is a lofty goal” said Wood-Bielski, and those competing will face strict judging requirements. “The best bands will win,” she said. Winners will be crowned North American Pipe Band Champions. 

Old Colony Highlanders decided to make the journey in light of the success they’ve had this year. The band won three of the four competitions among bagpipe bands in its category bands this year and finished second out of 18 bands at the Glasgow Lands Scottish Festival, the second largest Scottish festival in New England, held on July 20, the group said. 

Competing at the North American Championships, “is one more test to put ourselves through” and one more opportunity “to work towards as a goal,” said Wood-Bielski. 

“It’s an opportunity for many of the band members who’ve never experienced playing on a world stage to get a different feel outside the regional area we’ve competed in regularly,” she said. 

Old Colony Highlanders is ranked second out of 81 Grade 5 bands in the Eastern United States Pipe Band Association, according to the band.

A band’s grade is determined based on skill level, and ranges from 1 to 5, with 1 being the highest ranking a band can have.

Since Old Colony Highlanders started competing in 2018, the group has consistently ranked at the top of its grade in the eastern United States, according to Wood-Bielski. The bagpipe band finished first among other grade 5 bands in 2021. 

Following the Championships, Old Colony Highlanders will finish the season with competitions in Quechee, Vermont, Altamont, New York and Loon Mountain, New Hampshire. 

Old Colony Highlanders is a non-profit volunteer organization that was formed to promote the historic and cultural music of bagpipe bands in the Southeastern Massachusetts region and beyond through performance and teaching. The band welcomes newcomers as well as experienced drummers and bagpipers. Contact Old Colony Highlanders if you would like to learn more at oldcolonyhpb@comcast.net