Marion Art Center

The Marion Art Center (the MAC) is a dynamic non-profit organization offering a broad range of cultural experiences both in our historic building and across our community.

At the Marion Art Center, you can attend art exhibits, theater productions, and music concerts, as well as find creative workshops, classes, and clubs for both children and adults. The MAC also sponsors community events including ArtWeek Massachusetts, Art in Bloom, Arts in the Park, and the Marion Halloween Parade. We focus on engaging, accessible arts programming and the power of fun. Join us!

Our Mission

The mission of the Marion Art Center is to enrich the SouthCoast community by supporting and promoting a vibrant arts experience for all.

  • The MAC’s core values include:
  • - Integration: opening the MAC to all and providing accessible educational programming
    - Engagement: connecting the MAC to the community and its needs
    - Sustainability: ensuring that the MAC remains vital for present and future generations


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